The Six Most Common Health Concerns I Help

The new year is a great time to take a look at our health, think about what we would like to improve and consider some health goals for the year.

Now before you set some unattainable new year resolutions regarding your health (FACT: 90% of new year resolutions will FAIL within the first week)  there are a few things I would like you to ask yourself.

I’ve put together this handy worksheet that will help you get clear on your health goals and set some easy and practical changes you can make from today!

Please print it out, grab a pen and make 2021 your best health year yet.

Now to help you plan out your practical goals, I’ve included below the six most common health concerns I see in clinic that includes a practical tip for each of them.  Feel free to borrow some!


Low energy levels

It seems like feeling flat and tired all of the time is almost the norm these days. So many mums are exhausted all the time. There are hundreds of potential contributing factors to low energy, which is why it’s often difficult to correct without help.

My passion is to help tired and exhausted mums get their energy back so uncovering the key causes of low energy is the first step.

Removing energy drainers, such as processed foods and excess stress, and increasing energy boosters, such as wholefoods and good sleep, can increase energy levels. It’s also important to address any underlying health conditions such as thyroid disease or insomnia.

TIP: Try and drop the afternoon caffeine and sugar hit.  You might think you can’t live without it but trust me; you’ll feel so much better for it.


Thyroid issues

Many women have diagnosed thyroid issues, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and autoimmune thyroid conditions. However, many others go undiagnosed for months or even years.

Thyroid issues can have different contributing factors including stress, nutrient deficiencies, medication use and inflammation.

I look at these potential contributing factors, use herbs, dietary advice and lifestyle suggestions tailored those to your specific needs.

TIP: Time to investigate your thyroid hormones.  A full thyroid panel blood test (TSH, t3 and t4) will let you know exactly how well your thyroid is functioning.


Poor sleep

A lot of the women I work with often laugh when I ask them ‘do you wake refreshed?’  It’s not a joke!

Poor sleep can mean not getting enough sleep, struggling to fall asleep and it can also mean that you’re waking up frequently and therefore waking up still feeling tired.

It’s really important to identify the factors that affect your sleep and create a more supportive sleep routine. By including nutrients and herbs that support sleep and calm an overactive nervous system (hello! mind racing as soon as you hop into bed) we can have you getting a good night of rest naturally.

TIP: Watch THIS VIDEO for a better nights sleep


Digestive complaints


Good health starts in the gut. But many of my clients come to me with digestive concerns including bloating, IBS and discomfort, heartburn and reflux, and even conditions such as gallstones and nausea.

Naturopathy takes a holistic approach to gut health, no matter what the symptom. I look at how well your digestion is working, strengthen the gut and support the good bacteria that reside in the digestive tract. But we also take practical steps to reduce the bad bacteria and any factors that are causing further damage to the gut.

TIP: Fill out a diet diary for 5 days and note any digestive complaints to see if any particular foods are causing you issues.  Follow this guide to identify any food intolerances.



No-one enjoys the hormonal rollercoaster around your period.  It can be a few days of snappiness and tears for some women while others can feel quite irritable and hormonal with PMS/PMDD for up to 14 days.

Factors such as fluctuating hormone levels, blood sugar irregularities, poor liver function, nutrient deficiencies and poor gut health can certainly fire up your monthly moods.  I look at every aspect of your health to discover the contributing factors.

TIP:  Include loads of cruciferous vegetables in your diet such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, bok choy, brussels sprouts as they help breakdown excess oestrogen which can be responsible for PMS/PMDD.


Hot flushes and Menopause

Menopause can be a stressful and overwhelming transition for many women.  Some women sail through menopause with no issues. But many experience a variety of symptoms, including insomnia, hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings.

I often hear from the women I work with that they feel like they have been brushed you off with ‘it’s just menopause’.

I take the time to listen and use a range of different herbs to benefit YOUR symptoms. There is also dietary and lifestyle tweaks that can help to ease the hormonal fluctuations and relieve menopausal symptoms.

TIP:  Hot flushes flare up when you’re stressed? This is so common.  Make sure you include a 10-15 meditation each day to help bring those stress levels down.

Your Next Step

I would love to see your health goals and the ways that make them easy and practical for you.

If you’re stuck and need some help, why not book in for a Free Health Chat with me and together we can get you moving on your health goals.





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Areas of interest:
- Perimenopause
- Menopause
- Hormonal and cycle changes
- Burning Mouth Syndrome
- Low Energy Levels

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© 2023 Chantelle Bell Naturopath.