As women enter perimenopause, their dietary requirements begin to shift significantly. The decline in oestrogen levels leads to a loss of muscle mass, which in turn affects the basal metabolic rate, making it easier to gain weight. As we age,…

As women enter perimenopause, their dietary requirements begin to shift significantly. The decline in oestrogen levels leads to a loss of muscle mass, which in turn affects the basal metabolic rate, making it easier to gain weight. As we age,…
I don’t know if it’s just my social media algorithm and having a heavy focus on perimenopause, but I’m enjoying the awareness and information out there that I am seeing around this topic. It’s like finally finding the missing piece…
Life’s journey takes us through all sorts of stages, and one of the most significant ones is perimenopause. You know, the transitional period that ushers in a bunch of physical and emotional changes. Now, speaking of changes, let’s talk perimenopause…
“I just can’t shift the weight!” “It is so hard to lose weight now that my hormones are changing!” You know what? I hear you loud and clear! These are the two most common concerns I get from the women…
Perimenopause is that wild rollercoaster before menopause. It can bring many not-so-fun symptoms along with it. We are all familiar with the hot flushes, changes in periods and mood swings. But there is also a list of other symptoms that…
The new year is a great time to take a look at our health, think about what we would like to improve and consider some health goals for the year. Now before you set some unattainable new year resolutions regarding…